Gonzo Turtle
Contact info:
Follow @gonzoturtle on Twitter
If you would like to help an old poet give up the day job and spend what little time is left writing either checkout pennyapoem.com or
send checks, currency, etc. to: Gonzo Turtle, P.O. Box 608, Portland, OR USA 97207. (No tip is too small or too large!)
You can also make a donation using paypal:
Legal stuff: Some of the material published on this site is adult in nature and those under the age of 18 probably shouldn't visit here. (If it were a movie this web site would probably be rated PG.)
Legal stuff: All contained herein is copyright material and use in whole or in part is forbidden without the consent of Gonzo Turtle.
Legal stuff: Any similarity or resemblance between the characters herein portrayed and real people is purely coincidental. The characters and characterizations herein included are fictional.
Contact info.: Gonzo Turtle, PO Box 608, Portland, OR 97207 (i used to give an email link, but ended up with thousands of junk emails every day.)
Link Exchange: At this point I can't afford to pay other web sites to link to this site; but, if you would like to link to my site, steal one of the banners below and add it to your web site.